Here is the list of 100 hand picked CSS tips and tricks which can help you in your CSS code and also save some time.
100 Useful CSS Tips And Tricks Of All Time
If you are front end coder you must know how important is to make cross browses, valid CSS and xHTML code. And also you must know how much time we are spending in all those hacks and fixes for various browsers. I've written about some of them earlier on PNG transparency issues, Yellow fields in web form, Vertical align div etc..
Here is the list of 100 hand picked CSS tips and tricks which can help you in your CSS code and also save some time.
10 best CSS hacks
15 CSS Tricks That Must be Learned
15 Effective Tips and Tricks from the Masters of CSS
Here is the list of 100 hand picked CSS tips and tricks which can help you in your CSS code and also save some time.
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