Skittle Vodka - How to

Since I couldn't go to Fifi's birthday, this was my friday night...

We all know I'm obsessed with skittles,
Therefore when Paul gave me skittle vodka for my birthday
well...I knew it was going to be my new drink!

Want to know how to make them?
What you need;
  • Vodka
  • Big bag of Original Skittles
  • Bowls to separate skittles
  • Coffee Filter/ Sieve/ Etc.
  • Measuring Cup
  • Funnel
  • Empty plastic water bottle
     They say about 60 skittles to 6 ounces of Vodka,
    But I kind of just went with whatever, as thats what Paul did
    and it taste fine. I don't think you need to be that accurate really.

    What to do;

    Step 1: Separate your bag of skittles into different colours. I'm using original skittles as well as sour skittles as I wanted to taste as much as I could to tell you all which work well and such. So I bought a big bag of each and just separated whatever I had.

    Step 2: Fill water bottles with required amount of vodka. The put skittle into bottles, one bottle per colour. If you mix them all together it still tastes ok, but you're left with a murky brown kind of colour, not appealing!

    Step 3: Shake shake shake! Shake Shake Shake!
    It will help dissolve the skittles to shake them every so often.

    Step 4: Leave the bottles for a while (I left mine overnight) occasionally shaking them
    when you can, in order for the skittles to dissolve throughout the vodka to prevent them sticking to the end of the bottle.

    Step 5: When they fully dissolve, you'l notice the white part of the skittle has turned to "gunk" at the top of the bottle. You can leave it, or you can filter it. I decided to filter it, even though I didn't really have the tools to filter it properly. You can use coffee filters (I didn't have which would of been the best to use I'd say) or tissue (I tried and the tissue just soaked up the liquid so I lost some of it) or sieves etc.

    sour yellow, sour purple, sour green, original red, original purple

    Step 6: Pour into glass bottles and place in freezer. The vodka won't freeze therefore the glass won't crack. They are nicer when cold though so I recommend freezing them.

    original purple, original red


    They are extremely sweet as is.
    They are also pretty strong by themselves, as they are mostly vodka
    but there are many ways to drink them, you can;

    - Drink straight or use them as shots
    - Mix with more vodka (which will dilute the skittle flavour)
    - Mix with sprite, 7up, fruit juice, cola, etc 
    - Serve with ice (which will melt, diluting the vodka)

    The verdict - When we tasted;

    "I prefer the original red. The skittle taste is nicer than the original purple which catches at the back of my throat a little. I really like the three sour ones, green, yellow and purple(which turns to a pinky kind of colour). The sour skittle purple is my favourite. I'm a fan of skittles and have a sweet tooth so I like them. I prefer using them as shots cause they are very strong, I wouldn't be able to drink a whole glass of one without heavily diluting it. Although if you are drinking them as shots, be careful cause you don't realise how much you're having since you can mostly just taste the skittle flavour... Remember they are pure vodka with skittle juices."

    Fifi’s Rating
    Red: Good!
    Purple: Nice.
    Sour Yellow: Really nice!
    Sour Purple: Gorgeous!
    Green: Really liked it.

    Pauls Rating
    Red: AMAZING
    Purple :AMAZING
    Sour Yellow: Good, was ok.
    Sour Purple: AMAZING
    Green: Nice!

    Try filling them in some cool bottle's like below :)


    Think I'll make my 21st birthday skittle themed, with these drinks
    in cool bottles, colour lights and a cake like below hehe




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