Apple MacBook Skin Designs - In this issue of monday inspiration series we provide you with some fresh ideas to spice up your environment with laptop skins, engravings, sleeves, cases and stickers. In the end of this post you’ll also find some experimental ideas for laptop decoration — caution, you don’t really want to replicate them at home or at office — well, at least if you care about your laptop.

The MacBook and MacBook Pro are stunning examples of minimalist
design.Their sleek lines, simple shapes, and uncomplicated designs are pinnacles of modern beauty. But let’s face it: they pretty much all look the same.Whether you have a basic 13″ MacBook, a MacBook Pro, or a MacBook Air, they’re all silver, they’ve all got a very similar shape (even though the Air is significantly thinner than its counterparts), and while they’re never boring, they can sometimes be a bit “blah.”

Did you ever think that you need some thing different for your laptop? Spending alot of time in front of laptop lets you with the need to change.In this post, I would like to share some of the most fabulous Macbook and laptops skins that will rock-up your laptop and fans your friends. If you like this post,do not forget to share it with your friends and social networks.
The talented artists over at Etsy and SkinAT have created some amazing Macbook skins incorporating the
Apple logo into the designs. Here’s 25 of the best of them
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