Weekly Agenda

The week before Black Friday is always hectic for everyone at Kiel James Patrick. This year to add to our holiday stress we are introducing a few exciting new products, and there has been a lot of last minute details to attend to before we can release them. Kiel and I always call this time of year the Christmas Crunch and lately that has involved working a lot of long nights with Starbucks Peppermint Mochas to get us though it. 
<My new bad hair day disguise>Truthfully I just love this hat. Yesterday I woke up late and didn't have time to dry my hair. It was a bit of a mess and also the perfect excuse to wear my new baseball cap. (Outfit Details: Sweater: J.Crew, Shirt: Madewell, Jeans: Citizens of Humanity Shoes: Manolo Blahnik, Necklace: J.Crew Factory (similar), Hat: J.Crew)

I don't know why but taking ornaments and decorations out of storage gets me really excited. This is one of my favorite ornaments from Anthropologie from last year. Pretty much everything Anthropologie sells is perfect to me, but I especially love their Christmas ornaments. I always make sure to stock up on my favorites early on in the season.

Mirror, mirror on the sea, Lilly Pulitzer has the scarf for me. Happy to be included in the latest Juice Stand feature: Murfee Scarf Must Have. (Outfit Details: Sweater: J.Crew, Cords: J.Crew Factory, Scarf: Lilly Pulitzer c/o, Shoes: Ferragamo custom*)

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