OOTD Wishlist - Lace & Silk (Valz Day)

Hello my loves,
So first things first, Happy Valentines Day or Happy Singles Day :) If you are single, you may like to pop over to my post last year here (after reading this one of course :P) where I was cheering on single ladies everywhere!! (Shhh! There's a discount code at the end of the post)

This year, for the first time ever, I have a very special Valentine. After 7-8 years of being "just friends" and trying to figure us out, we finally get a Valentines day together. I'm not big on the whole Valentines "DAY" thing - why one day? The bf shows me everyday so we are spending the evening like most other days, with movies, takeaway and cuddles. Perrrfect! We will be going for a nice meal on Saturday though and possibly the cinema, which I'm really excited about cause well...I like food lol.

Valentines Day isn't just for couples, show friends, family that you love them and spend some time doing what you love. So, go pamper yourself and then call friends/family for a catch up or to meet up and do something. I was supposed to be in college but classes are cancelled because there's some meeting/training thing, yay for a day off doing just what I want! Here's what I wish I was wearing today.

OOTD Wishlist - Valz Day

Love the colour of this shirt, I'd tuck it into the skirt with a big black belt and pair it with a leather jacket, some socks or tights and black boots. As well as this gorgeous bow bag and some gold jewelry. Ah, now thats true love! Big thank you and love for all the support with my blog, it means so much so thank you dollies. Any new followers (or old) please say hello! So happy to have you here.

Thank You. Valentine.

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Available today from here. Use discount code love20off & receive 20% off!!!

Spread the Love

Hover over the cloud and share some love :) or check out my favourite bloggers here. Thanks for reading!

Any plans for today/this week? How do you feel about this day?

Hope you have a lovely day, no matter what you're up too!
Don't forget to check out last years post


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