OOTD Wishlist - Patterned Shorts

Really want a pair of cute patterned shorts, they just scream spring/summer which I am so dying for at the moment. I'd pair them with a white tee & coloured blazer.

OOTD Wishlist - Patterned Shorts

The sun is gorgeous today, every so often the wind stops and you get that lovely feeling of heat from the sun. It's making me very excited for nicer weather. I have a test tomorrow on Multimedia Systems Development (Scripting in Flash), it's worth 30% of my overall grade. It's not my best subject so I'm a little nervous to do it. College is about to get hectic again as most main assignments/projects will be handed out over the next 2 weeks. Can't believe it's practically March now, already!!

How are you all today? Any girlies propose?
What do you think of patterned shorts?


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